Tuesday, June 23, 2015

The Pension Sweeteners in Albany Continues Unabated!

Check this out!

Here's a tidbit if you don't have time to read the entire article. But you need to make time!!

UPDATE - June 22, 2015
Since our last update, four bills featured in CBC’s Benefits Sweetener Scorecard 2015 are just a signature away from becoming New York State law. One bill, A. 6771/S. 4907, passed the legislature last year, but was ultimately vetoed by the governor. If Governor Cuomo chooses to sign these benefits sweeteners, State and local costs will increase.
The bills that passed both houses are:
  • A. 7490/S. 3010 would enhance retirement plans for certain State and local police and firefighters, increasing employer costs by 3.2 percent to 6.8 percent of salaries.
  • A. 6771A/S. 4907 would enhance retirement plans of uniformed court or peace officers at a cost of $1.8 million.
  • A. 5327C/S. 3948B would allow deputy sheriffs in Nassau and Suffolk with police officer training to receive the retirement service credit awarded to police officers without proving at least 50 percent of activities were for criminal law enforcement.
  • A. 7547/S. 5785 would allow members of the MTA police retirement system to transfer membership to NYS and local police and fire retirement systems.
In addition to the above, six bills on the CBC Benefits Sweetener Scorecard passed one house before the end of session.

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